Whatever you are using, it shouldn't give you unfair advantage over others. CCPs rules are based on "unfair advantage". Because they don't wanna race with people outsmarting them and they don't wanna deal with intricacies of program development, and they don't wanna deal with making rules specific to programs. Meanwhile, CCPs rules are not based on what program you are using and how. And then you can accidentally leave it on. And you can enable it to do things in options, such as setting keybindings (which he already mentioned in his post btw). You can enable it to select characters in the login screen. If you enabled it - this is enough prof that you are cheater and you are using isboxer in not allowed ways. Isboxer have broadcasting option disabled by default and stuff allowed on isboxer by CCP does not require you to enable this option. Input broadcasting required to perform any activities allowed by CCP do not require input broadcasting option enabled thus any action that is made by isboxer on the multiple clients at the same time requires someone to knowingly break the rules. Question is simple - please help me answer to it (pastebin, but the main version is still available on pages scrapping deleted post on reddit) for lazy people belowīroadcasting mode effectively clones your keyboard and mouse to perform the same action in more than one game window.Įxhibit C Mar5hy post about how he is using isboxer, with details - and based on his own words - i don't see the reason to have the input broadcasting enabled. Exhibit B what is broadcasting by isboxer. He is most visible in relation to this case and thanks to his own explanation also he described how he is using isboxerĮxhibit A input broadcasting disabled in Isboxer with additional warning relating to enabling it. yes this is again to clarify this situation and possible all other similar that will show up over the time. What i learned is that 'Input Broadcasting' is disabled in isboxer by default and there is no way to accidentally broadcast like Mar5hy did unless you enable it in configuration. So lets me start with the fact that i don't use isboxer or have any desire or need to do it, so unless i pay for the license.